Allegany County
Allegany County Soil and Water Conservation District used FLLOWPA funding to install a concrete bunk silo apron and leachate collection system to collect all runoff from the bunk silo and direct it to an earthen manure storage to protect water quality.
Cost: The total project cost $21,392.00 and FLLOWPA contributed $10,000. The landowner paid $11,392 toward the project.
Partners: The Allegany County Soil and Water Conservation District, the landowner and the local contractor.
Genesee County
Genesee County 2016 FLLOWPA Spring Workshop Presentation
Genesee County Soil and Water Conservation District installed a diversion with underground outlets to collect water and safely transfer water across large (30 acres) field and prevent further erosion in Town of Darien.
Cost: The total cost of the project was $7,500; of which FLLOWPA funds were used. It came in under budget as the producers did much of the work themselves.
Partners: This was a three-way partnership between landowner, operator, and the Genesee County Soil and Water Conservation District.
Genesee County Soil and Water Conservation District also assisted a local farm with an alternative watering system to eliminate manure, mud and livestock from entering a Class A Stream to obtain drinking water. The project included the installation of a precast holding tank to collect and hold the water. Stone and geotextiles were used to stabilize around the watering tank.
Cost: $11,500 FLLOWPA funds; producer provided in-kind total 25% of project cost.
Partners: The farmer and his crew contributed a great deal of the labor and that represented the operators 25% of the cost-share. He was very pleased with this arrangement, and with the outcome of the project.
Livingston County
Livingston County 2016 FLLOWPA Spring Workshop Presentation
In 2014, FLLOWPA funding was used to purchase materials for a Livingston County Highway Department streambank remediation project on the south bank of North Gully in the Town of Livonia, east of East Lake Road. A 30-foot portion of a 60-foot concrete bank wall fell into thecreek during the extreme rain events in Spring/Summer 2014, and the remaining 30 feet was severely undercut. The Highway Department replaced the wall with 60 feet of corrugated sheet piling to stabilize the streambank and to protect water quality in the stream and in Conesus Lake, which lies 1,300 feet down stream. Conesus Lake is on the NYSDEC 303(d) list of impaired waterbodies.
Cost: FLLOWPA funds were used to purchase the materials $22,837; County Highway Department labor and equipment were used to complete the project.
Partners: The Livingston County Highway Department, the Livingston County Soil & Water Conservation District and the Livingston County Planning Department partnered on this project.
Monroe County
Monroe County 2016 FLLOWPA Spring Workshop Presentation
In 2015, $10,000 FLLOWPA funds went to support a cooperative agreement with the US Geological Survey to help monitor stream flow and water quality in Monroe County. The program consists of 8 monitoring stations, four in the Genesee River Basin and four in various creeks and streams tributary to Lake Ontario. This year, data from the stream gage at Northrup Creek was added to the "Real Time" stream flow network on the USGS web site. Local municipalities and emergency managers can use information such as this to keep a watchful eye on potential flood hazards and as a planning tool for water quality impacts from future development in the watershed. Water quality samples were collected during rain events at most stations and are used to help support the County stormwater program and to evaluate the success of practices implemented to improve water quality.
Stream flow data for Northrup Creek at the USGS web page |
Water quality sampler at the
Irondequoit Creek stream gage |
Niagara County
Niagara County 2016 FLLOWPA Spring Workshop Presentation
Construction of a roof over a barnyard, feed alley and manure stacking area on a CAFO farm in the Town of Royalton, Niagara County were completed with FLLOWPA funding in 2014-15.
Cost: $50,620 total; owner contributed $35,620 and FLLOWPA paid $15,000
Partners: Niagara County SWCD
Orleans County
Orleans County 2016 FLLOWPA Spring Workshop Presentation
FLLOWPA funding was used to cost share a stream crossing in Proctor Brook, Orleans County, for a farm. There were existing culverts at this location that were collapsing and making it unsafe to cross with machinery. The farmer was going to take the old crossing out and drive through the stream instead of replacing it to access the fields that the stream was dividing. By driving through the stream the farmer would degrade the stream bank causing erosion and any grease, oil, and other possible chemicals on the machines would be washed off into the stream causing pollution. This stream is located only a few miles above Lake Ontario where the stream outlets.
After talking to the farmer the District was able to convince him to replace the culverts. Two 81” x 59” steel squash pipes were installed and embedded into the stream bed to allow for aquatic life to pass through the pipe easily. The farmer will now be able to access both of his fields without having to come in contact with the water or stream bank. This project was completed in September of 2015.
Cost: The total project cost $25,500.00 of which FLLOWPA contributed $7,277.57; NYS Dept. of Ag and Markets contributed $11,897.43 and the landowner contributed $6,375.00.
Steuben County
Stueben County 2016 FLLOWPA Spring Workshop Presentation
Wyoming County
With funding from FLLOWPA, the Wyoming County SWCD assisted a landowner in the Oatka Creek watershed by cost sharing a project that involved the construction of 175 feet of grassed waterway, stabilization at a culvert outlet, stabilization of the stream channel, and hydroseeding of all disturbed areas. By creating a plunge pool at the downstream side of the culvert and stabilizing the channel below the plunge pool, water velocities have been reduced, which in turn minimizes the erosion being caused by this tributary. The Wyoming County Highway Department was utilized for mobilization of the District’s hydroseeder and was also reimbursed through FLLOWPA funds. The New York State Department of Transportation provided assistance with the NYS DOT Highway work permit application.
Cost: The total cost of the project, excluding SWCD staff time, was $5,998.38 and included work performed by the contractor, materials for hydroseeding and the mobilization of the hydroseeder, and materials for stabilization of the stream channel (poly-fiber blanket and staples). The landowner leveraged $1,275.61 towards the cost of the project.
Partners: The Wyoming County Soil and Water Conservation District, the landowner, the local contractor, the Wyoming County Highway Department, and the New York State Department of Transportation.